The one that started it all.

I wanted a giant spider on my roof. I assumed that was a simple task. I searched the stores but couldn’t find anything that would fit my needs. The ones I found were large, but were not meant to be outside. At the end of my search I decided that I had to build my own. This started the path to creating my own props.
I don’t have many pictures, or any good ones, of the spider or the process of making it. There are tutorials out there for making them. What I can give are some tips from lessons learned.
- PVC pipe – use for everything as it’s light and cheap. Seal it all with glue EXCEPT for the limbs and where they attach to the body. This way, you can break it down for storage.
- Plastic – Wrap it with thick, black plastic instead of clear.
- Black Spray Paint – Lowes and Home Depot carry store brands(not entirely sure, but cheaper than the rest). Stock up.
- Make it your own – Don’t follow conventions.